The story of P Sumneung…
P Sumneung is a nun at the Wat Tavor Nimit temple who for many years looked after around 200 dogs in the most basic conditions.
The dogs had no kennelling or basic medicine, daily she struggled to feed them.
We built new kennelling, a concrete floor, weatherproof roof, a sleeping area, toilet, kitchen, drainage system and undertook electrical works.
We now regularly spay/neuter + vaccinate all the dogs in her care and provide food and tick and flea medication, transforming the quality of life for her and the dogs.


The story of Neang…
A new bike for Aunty Neang.
For years Aunty Neang made do with an ancient falling apart motor bike with side car.
We bought her a beautiful new bike so she can zip along her feeding route with greater confidence and safety.
We also provide regular food supplies and treat the dogs in her care when necessary. As our CNVR programme expands into new communities there will be an increasing number of locals in need of support.
The small amounts which Jai Aid provides to multiple carers has a significant impact on dog welfare on the streets of Thailand.


Jai Aid provides vital food and medical support to local rescuers and aunties.
Watch the video to see how we help them…