Hi, I’m Hero

Hero was found in a grubby cardboard box, a scruffy bundle of nerves and riddled with ticks and fleas. It was obvious that Hero had found the experience deeply traumatising, so we made a safe space in one our kennels, and gave him some much-needed peace and quiet to recuperate. 

The next morning, we were greeted by a completely different dog! Although still unsure, he was already signs of the personality that was to come: affectionate, eager for a head scratch and full of beans. 

Ready to adopt Hero?

Despite his difficult start in life, Hero really seemed to take comfort in the company of other dogs and wasted no time in making introductions! Now fully settled into life on The Farm, Hero loves to play with both people and dogs. When the fun gets a little too much, Hero can get a bit ‘mouthy’ but always responds well when told to stop. 

Hero has a cheeky side too: in fact, he’s become known as the resident escape artist! This is understandable (after all, street dogs known no bounds!) but something new adopters will need to be mindful of. 

Hero’s perfect home?

Hero might be small, but he’s also full of beans so will need an active household who can keep up with him! He’d love a home with lots of walks nearby and plenty of affection on tap, as this boy has a lot of love to give. 

Despite getting on well with other dogs, we feel Hero would enjoy being the only dogs in the house so that adopters can fully commit to giving Hero the exercise and mental stimulation (not to mention cuddles!) that he deserves.

Am I your perfect match?

So you’ve read the details, you’ve fallen in love, and now you’d like to adopt? We don’t blame you…you’re only human after all!

The first step in the adoption process is to complete an adoption form. This will give us all the information we need to make a match and see if the dog that’s caught your eye is the right fit for you.

Are you ready?